We hear the news stories and see the images splashed across the screen on a regular basis: individuals suffering abuse, harassment, and discrimination at the hands of police officers or other government actors. These types of police misconduct are am…
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A serious injury affects not only your life, but often your whole family’s as well. An injury caused by a car accident or slip and fall can result in permanent disability, severe pain, and loss of function and mobility. You may be unable to work, c…
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A serious car accident changes lives in an instant—not just the life of a person who is injured or killed, but that of the family who loves them and may depend on them for support. If you or a family member have been injured in a car accident that…
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Businesses and property owners have an obligation to keep their property safe for people who are legally on the property: customers, clients, visitors, invited guests, and so on. The law calls this the “duty of reasonable care.” While a property…
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